Our new computer system doesn’t change the way providers make claims. Providers should continue to use the myplace provider portal for all claims. As participants and their plans move to our new computer system, providers will not be able to use the single line-item claim function.

Providers should continue to use the current support item descriptions or numbers listed in the NDIS pricing arrangements and price limits.

To make sure our language is consistent across NDIS plans and portals, the name of the support catalogue item in the plan will be the same name in the participant and provider portals.

Support items

Our new computer system does not change the way we structure support items, including item numbers.

Support types

We have moved from 3 to 4 support types. Support types now include:

  • Core
  • Capacity building
  • Capital
  • Recurring transport (new).

Support categories

We have moved from 15 to 21 support categories. 

The new support categories will appear on all plans developed in our new computer system. If a participant does not have these supports, there will be a zero dollar amount next to the category. 

We have split some of the existing categories to make the new categories easier to understand. Providers with consent to view a participant’s plan will notice budgets are displayed at the support category level.  

The 6 new support categories are stated, and include:

Support category

Support type

Home and Living


Behaviour Support

Capacity building

Assistive Technology Maintenance, Repairs and Rental


Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)


Transport Recurring


Specialist Disability Young People Living in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) - Cross Billing Core

Assistive Technology Repairs and Rental

We have introduced a new support category for assistive technology maintenance, repair, and rental. This new category may include funds for:  

  • Minor repairs and maintenance (up to $1,500).  
  • Major repairs (a quote may be required).  
  • Short term or extended rental  
  • Short or extended equipment trials  

Providers may still need to provide quotes to inform decisions about including high-cost assistive technology items in plans in line with Our Guidelines.   

When claiming assistive technology payments, providers should refer to Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables Code Guide and use the most appropriate line item for the support they have delivered.

Specialist disability accommodation, home and living supports and behaviour supports

All participants with specialist disability accommodation, home and living supports and behaviour supports need to have their my providers recorded at a support category level in their NDIS plan, or their claims will automatically be rejected.

In the my NDIS provider portal, providers can create specialist disability accommodation dwelling enrolment requests and view and manage the end-to-end application process. 

We have made improvements to the specialist disability accommodation landing pages in the portal to improve the user experience.   

Specialist disability accomodation providers can contact the SDA Enrolment team at [email protected] or call our National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110 if they need further support.  

Recurring transport

We have included recurring transport as a new support category for participants who receive transport funding. Participants who are not eligible for transport funding will have a zero-dollar amount against this support category in their plan.  

The transport funding levels will be the same as they were before, with eligible participants receiving this funding pro rata in their bank account on a fortnightly basis.   

For some participants, the day they receive their transport funding may change. This is because their recurring transport payments will be established on the day of the week the participant’s plan is approved.  

Young People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) - Cross Billing

The new Young People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) - Cross Billing support category has been added so that funding can be allocated in plans for payments for residential aged care subsidies and supplements. Providers are not able to claim against this category.  

Support category budgets

In our new computer system, funding in NDIS plans will be built at the support category level. There will be no stated support items built into PACE plans. 

Budgets will be stated or flexible at the support category level.  

Budgets will be listed as a whole dollar figure rather than as line-by-line costs.  

Where budgets are listed as flexible, there is flexibility within and across the flexible support categories, matched to how the plan is managed.  

Where budgets are listed as stated, there is only flexibility within that support category.  

Flexible support categories

There are 4 flexible support categories. These flexible support categories are:

Support category code 

Support category 

Support type 


Assistance with Daily Life 









Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation 


The flexibility participants have matches how they manage their budget. For example: 

  • If 2 support categories are plan managed, funding in these 2 support categories can be managed flexibly. 
  • If 3 support categories are NDIA-managed, funding in these 3 support categories can be managed flexibly.  

Case study – flexible support categories

Lucy has a new plan. Lucy has NDIA and plan managed supports in her plan. 

Lucy’s NDIS plan includes NDIA-managed supports: 

  • $25,000 in the assistance with daily life budget support category. 
  • $10,000 in the assistance with social and economic participation support category. 

Lucy can use the total value of her assistance with daily life and social and economic participant budgets flexibly. This means Lucy can spend up to $35,000 across these 2 support categories in the way that suits her best and helps her to pursue her goals. 

As she purchases her supports, Lucy’s providers will make claims for payment in the myplace provider portal, using the NDIS Support Catalogue 2023-24 to identify the correct support item for their claim. Any claims we receive from providers Lucy has not recorded as my providers for her plan, we will check with Lucy before we pay them. 

Lucy also has plan managed supports. These are: 

  • $3,000 in her transport support category. 
  • $2,000 in her consumables support category. 

Lucy and her plan manager work together to decide how to best use the total value of her transport and consumables budgets, because Lucy can spend up to $5,000 to purchase items and services across these 2 support categories. 

Using the NDIS Support Catalogue 2023-24 to pick the right support item number, Lucy’s providers can send their invoices directly to her plan manager. 

Lucy's plan manager will use the myplace provider portal to make payment claims on her behalf. 

While Lucy can combine her budgets with the same plan management type to use the total support category amounts flexibility, she can’t combine her spending for different plan management types. This means she can’t add her consumables budget of $2,000 to her assistance with daily life and social and economic participation budget to have a total support category spend of $37,000. 

Stated support categories

Stated support categories have flexibility within that support category. This means flexibility applies to the whole budget of that support category only.

Case study – flexibility in a stated support category

Lewis has a new NDIS plan. His plan is NDIA-managed. 

Lewis’s new plan has $10,000 for him to buy assistive technology items to help him pursue his goals. The assistive technology budget in his plan is a stated support category. This means his budget appears as a total amount, not stated support items.  

Because this support category is stated, Lewis will need to use these funds to buy assistive technology, and not any other kind of support. Lewis can follow our guidelines to get advice and then decide which items he wants to buy, spending his total budget in the way that will help him get the best outcomes. 

Lewis works with his assistive technology advisor (as required), and talks to a few assistive technology providers, to describe the equipment he is looking for and ask for quotes. Lewis then decides which items he wants and which quotes he will accept.   

The provider supplies the equipment to Lewis and submits a claim for payment in the myplace provider portal. The provider uses the Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables code guide to pick the right support item for their claim.