If you’re 18 or older, you have the right to make decisions about your participation with the NDIS. That is why we need to ask for your consent.
Consent is a record of your permission for us to:
- Collect and share information about you with another person or organisation.
- Use the Document Verification Service to verify identity documents.
- Use Services Australia information as evidence of your age and residence for an NDIS application.
- Share community connections information or an Early Supports plan if you are getting help from an NDIS partner to make these connections.
- Let your plan manager, support coordinator or recovery coach see the parts of your plan and budgets they manage.
Before we can share your information, you need to tell us that we have your permission, and we need to record your permission in our computer system.
You can choose to give consent to another person to support you in your business with the NDIS. You can choose to give consent to another person so:
- They can talk to the NDIA or receive letters about you.
- They can do things on your behalf, like ask for a change to your plan.
A person you’ve given consent to can support you to make decisions, but they will not be able to make decisions for you. This makes them different to a child representative or nominee.
Read more about child representatives, including who can be one, and what do they do
Read more about what a nominee is, who can be one, and what we consider when appointing a nominee for you.
Consent for providers to see your information and NDIS plan
If you want to give your consent for a provider to view your information and/or parts of your plan, you need to tell us at your plan meeting, plan implementation meeting, check-in meeting or by getting in touch with your NDIS contact or calling the National Contact Centre.
When you give consent to an NDIS provider, you will have a contact person at the provider’s organisation. You will list this contact person when you give consent and we will record that this person has consent as your provider.
You can give your consent for different providers to see different parts of your plan.
You can update your consent for providers at any time.
How to give or change your consent
You can give consent or change who you’ve given consent to by using an NDIS consent form. You can also tell us on the phone or in writing at any time, or during your plan meeting, plan implementation meeting or check-in.
When you give us consent, we’ll ask you some questions to check it is your decision, how long you want your consent to last and what it gives people permission to do. We’ll do this every time you give someone new or different consent.
We keep track of everyone you’ve given consent to in our computer system. We also keep a record of what information you’ve consented to be shared with others, what information we have shared, and who we’ve shared it with.
To learn more, you can read our factsheet on understanding consent.