Key points
  • Your new NDIS plan will have more flexibility. 
  • We've added 1 new support type and 5 new support categories to the NDIS support catalogue.
  • NDIS plans can be up to 3 years long, except for children younger than 9.

Every person living with a disability has different needs. Your NDIS funding is there to provide you with the supports you need for your disability and help you work towards your goals.

New-look NDIS plans

When your NDIS plan is developed in our new computer system, you will notice some differences in how your funding is displayed. 

Many areas of your new plan will look the same, like your “about me” statement and your goals. There will be more space for you to add extra detail if you choose. You will still have stated and flexible supports, but your new plan will be built by support categories

Because we will list your budgets at the support category level and as a whole dollar figure rather than as a line-by-line cost, you will have more flexibility over how you use your total budget. For example, you will see your core supports budget as a total figure, to use flexibly across your assistance with daily living, social, community participation and consumables supports. 

Your capacity building budget may still include stated supports. Your stated support funding can only be used to purchase the individual supports approved in your plan.

One new support type

Your new plan may have 4 support types. These support types are:

  • Core
  • Capacity building
  • Capital
  • Recurring (new).

Six new support categories

We've added 6 new support categories to NDIS plans. These new support categories are stated supports:

New support category Support type
Home and Living Core
Behaviour Support Capacity building
Assistive Technology Repairs and Rental Capital
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Capital
Transport Recurring Recurring
Young People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) - Cross Billing Core

Fact sheet

To learn more about what a support category is and what each support category is used for you can read our fact sheets.

A full list of the support items and support categories in our new computer system can be found in this support catalogue: 

NDIS Support items mapped to PACE support category (XLSX 86KB) - effective 11 November 2022. 

If you have Specialist Disability Accommodation and Behaviour Supports in your plan, you will need to choose your providers for these supports and tell us who they are so we can record them as my providers on your plan.

If you are eligible for transport funding, you will see this funding in your transport recurring support category. If you aren’t eligible for transport funding, there won't be any money in this support category in your plan.

The transport funding levels and rules don’t change with our new computer system. If you are eligible for transport funding, you will receive this funding pro rata in your bank account every 2 weeks. 

For some participants, the day of the week you receive your transport funding may change. This is because your payments will start from the day of the week we approve your plan.

Managing your plan

At your plan meeting, your planner will talk to you about the best way to manage your plan and budget. 

Your plan length and your budgets

When we decide the plan reassessment date and your plan length, we always consider: 

  • How long you want your plan to go for before we change your plan. 
  • Your current situation. 

For children younger than 7, we recommend a plan length of 1 year. This is due to the major changes in early childhood. Sometimes, we can do a plan for up to 3 years for young children, if it is better aligned with important transition points and milestones. Learn more about plan durations

If your plan is longer than a year, each year of your plan will have the same budget. Annual budgets will be indexed, as they are now. You will have an annual amount to manage and regularly spend on the supports you need to pursue your goals.

We will schedule a check-in with you every year, to ask how you are going with your plan, check you are accessing the supports you need, how you are tracking against your goals, and whether you have had a change in situation that means your plan needs to be changed.