Key points
  • There are many reasons why a person might leave the NDIS.
  • We will check that you are connected to mainstream and community services if you are no longer eligible for the NDIS.

There are many reasons why a person might leave the NDIS. You might want to leave because you have met your goals or have developed your skills and independence, and don’t need the NDIS anymore.

Some reasons you might leave the NDIS are:

  • You don’t want to be a participant anymore and choose to leave.
  • You move permanently into residential aged care.
  • You start to get help at home from the aged care services.
  • You’re no longer eligible. This includes when children with developmental delay turn 6 years old and no longer meet the early intervention requirements or the disability requirements.

Participants also leave the NDIS when they die. Learn more about what to do when someone dies.

If you are leaving the NDIS, your NDIS partner can help you leave the Scheme and make sure you are connected with mainstream and community supports, if you want these supports.

If your situation changes after you leave, you can always apply again, and we'll let you know if you're eligible.

What happens if you are no longer eligible for the NDIS

You’re no longer eligible for the NDIS if:

  • You don’t live in Australia anymore.
  • You are no longer an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or hold a special category visa that is protected.
  • You no longer meet the disability or early intervention requirements.

We sometimes need to check a person still meets the eligibility requirements to be an NDIS participant. We call this an eligibility reassessment.

If we let you know we will be checking your eligibility, we’ll talk to you about how this process works, including next steps and timeframes.

We’ll also give you information to help you with your eligibility reassessment, like a checklist, examples of the type of evidence we need, and what happens if you need more time and your review rights. 

An eligibility reassessment is an opportunity for you to share more information with us so we can assess whether you continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

While your eligibility reassessment is completed, you will still be able to use your NDIS plan.

Should a participant no longer meet the eligibility requirements they will be supported to leave the NDIS. Your NDIS partner can help you stay connected with mainstream and community supports, if you want to continue these supports.

What if you don't want to be an NDIS participant anymore?

You can choose to leave the NDIS at any time if you no loner want to be a participant.

You can contact us if you want to talk about whether leaving the NDIS is the best option for you.

Read more about the different reasons you might leave the NDIS, and what happens after you leave.