The NDIS is just one service system for Australians with disability, developmental delay or developmental concerns. The disability supports provided through the NDIS complement, but don’t replace, mainstream or community services provided by other service systems in the general community, such as community groups, recreational activities, education and health services.
We can help people with disability and their families, to learn about and access the supports available in their community, including the NDIS, or develop a plan to help you make the most of your mainstream and community supports.
When you call our National Contact Centre to ask about disability supports, or your eligibility for the NDIS, we’ll refer you to an NDIS local area coordinator or early childhood partner.
NDIS local area coordinator or early childhood partners can help you learn about the kinds of services and supports available to you. This person will be your main point of contact throughout your NDIS journey. We call them my NDIS contact.
You can also directly connect with an NDIS partner near you.
If you are aged 65 or older, we will provide you information on your local aged care services.
Your NDIS partner can help you make connections to supports in your community, even if you are not eligible for the NDIS. NDIS partners will help you find the supports you need to be more independent and do more of the things you enjoy.
NDIS partners can help you connect to existing services in your community.
They can help people who:
- Have a disability and are aged 9 to 64 with community connections.
- Have a developmental delay or developmental concern and are younger than 6 with early connections.
- Have a disability and are younger than 9 with early connections.
If you are in a remote or very remote area, have complex support needs, or are in a hospital or justice setting, we will refer you to a person at the NDIA. They will assist you learn about the services and supports available to you, and if you are eligible, you can apply to the NDIS.
Learn more about what we mean by community connections, what support is available, and how you can get it in our community connections guideline.
You can find more information about who is responsible for the supports you need in the mainstream and community supports guidelines.
If you’re involved in the justice system, you have the same rights as anyone to become or remain an NDIS participant. But there might be some extra things we consider when we work with you to create and review your plan.