We’ll keep talking to providers about our new computer system and the improvements it introduces to the experience everyone has with the NDIS.

We currently share information and receive feedback from providers through: 

  • National provider working group sessions
  • National provider information sessions
  • User acceptance testing

There will be more opportunities for providers to learn about and let us know their experience with the new system and provider portal. Current opportunities include:

Provider information sessions

We hold online information sessions for providers. These sessions focus on providing information about the common themes providers ask about.  

View available dates and times for upcoming information sessions.

Our website

We regularly update the information on our website.

All of this information is publicly available, to anyone who wants to learn more about our new computer system and the improvements it introduces to how we work and deliver the Scheme. This information is available to registered and unregistered providers.

Participant information sessions

We’re holding a number of participant information sessions about our new computer system and improved processes. 

The sessions will be delivered virtually by Microsoft Teams and in-person, covering a number of topics related to the improved participant journey.

We encourage you to share the details of these sessions with the participants you work with.