Key points
  • You will meet with the NDIA planner who approves your plan.
  • At your plan meeting, your NDIA planner will talk to you about:
    • Your plan and budgets.
    • Managing your plan.
    • Recording my providers on your plan.
    • Consent for providers to see your plan.
    • Using the my NDIS portal and app.

Once your plan has been developed, you’ll be invited to a plan meeting with the NDIA planner who approves your plan. 

This meeting can take place face-to-face, virtually through Microsoft Teams or by phone. You can bring along a family member, supporter, or anyone else you need to your plan meeting, like a support coordinator.

Your plan meeting

At your plan meeting, your NDIA planner will show you the NDIS plan and budget they have developed for you, based on your previous plan and the information and evidence you provided.

Your NDIA planner will explain how they developed your plan and how they made reasonable and necessary decisions about the supports in your plan.

Your planner will talk to you about your living situation, goals, and day-to-day supports. Your planner will check they have a good understanding of your situation to make sure the supports in your plan fit together and work as a reasonable and necessary package of supports.

If you provide information or evidence that means you need more, less or different supports, your planner may change your budget at your plan meeting.

Your planner will talk to you about when your next plan check-in will be. Your check-in will usually be about once a year, unless your situation changes and your plan needs to be changed.

Fact sheet

To help you learn what a plan meeting is, what to think about before your plan meeting, what to expect during your plan meeting and what happens after your plan meeting you can read our fact sheet.

Managing your plan

Your planner will also talk to you about the best way to manage your plan. Our new computer system does not change the rules for how you can manage your plan. If you are already an NDIS participant, when your plan moves to our new computer system you can continue to manage your plan the same way.

Support coordination and recovery coach services

If you are choosing a support coordinator or recovery coach for the first time, or want to change the one you have, your planner can use the my NDIS portal to ask your chosen provider if they are available to work with you. We call this process a request for service.

My providers

If your plan is Agency-managed, or you have specialist disability accommodation, home and living supports and/or behaviour supports in your plan, you may have already chosen a provider. You can tell us at your plan meeting who these providers are, so we can record them on your plan as my providers

If you want to give your consent for a provider to view parts of your plan, you can tell us at your plan meeting. If you want to, you can give your consent for different providers to see different parts of your plan. You can change your consent at any time.

Approving your plan

If the supports in your plan fit your situation and are right to help you pursue your goals, your NDIA planner will approve your plan in the meeting. 

If the supports in your plan do not fit your situation, your NDIA planner will work with you on the best way to make changes to your plan

Depending on the type of change you’d like made to your plan, it may need to be approved by another NDIA planner who has the right skills for your request. Your planner can approve your plan at your meeting so that you can start using it straight away, while we work with you on the change you’ve asked for.

Your approved plan will be added to your my NDIS portal and app so that you can see and use it.

Your plan will also be shared with your NDIS partner and they will contact you about setting up a plan implementation meeting.