Log into the my NDIS provider portal

All existing providers who access the myplace provider portal will be able to access the my NDIS provider portal. 

We updated the functionality in the my NDIS provider portal to support the transition to one portal for providers.

New improvements – February 2025

In February 2025, we began trialling a new system to send correspondence to all providers about claims under review. 

Messages about claims under review will look different while containing the same information as before.

This will streamline our processes, and improve security and consistency when we ask for more evidence about your submitted claim.

Providers with questions about the change can phone the National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110.

Previous improvements

In December 2024 we made changes to the Request History tab in the provider table in the my NDIS provider portal.  

See the my NDIS provider portal step-by-step guide for more information. 

Using the my NDIS provider portal

All existing providers who access the myplace provider portal will be able to access the my NDIS provider portal using their PRODA account.

Providers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the my NDIS provider portal before they begin to use it. We have a my NDIS provider portal step-by-step guide to help providers use the new portal.

What providers will see in the my NDIS provider portal

Different providers will see different information about participants in the my NDIS provider portal. Before providers can see participant information in the my NDIS provider portal, we will ask participants for their consent.

We’ve made some changes to the information providers can see in the my NDIS provider portal.

We’ve improved access to information in the my NDIS provider portal so that general providers, support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches recorded as my providers will automatically be able to see a participant’s:

  • contact details
  • nominee’s contact details if they have one.

Plan managers supporting participants with plans in our new computer system and recorded as my providers, will be able to see if a participant has any self-managed and NDIA-managed NDIS supports and view old goals and funding component amounts.

If a participant has not given their consent to share more information, providers can only see limited participant information in the my NDIS provider portal.  

Selecting an organisation

If you work for more than one provider organisation, you can switch between those organisations in the my NDIS provider portal. When you log in to the my NDIS provider portal, you will be able to select the organisation from the list of organisation legal names. 

You can switch to another organisation at any time by selecting the dropdown menu and clicking the Acting As button on the top left-hand side. If you only work for one organisation, you will not see the organisation selection page. 

The my NDIS provider portal step-by-step guide shows how the my NDIS provider portal works with examples of the menus and screens in the portal. 

Creating reports on the my NDIS provider portal

Providers can now create reports in the my NDIS provider portal for participants with plans in our new computer system. 

These reports will help providers to reconcile their claims and payments, review notifications, and see information for the participants they support. 

Providers can access and download all report types, but the amount of information shown in each report depends on the provider’s role and the consent their participant has given for the provider to view their information. 

Reports available in the my NDIS provider portal: 

Report type Information shared in report
Claims history report 

This report shows claims and payments requested through our new computer system, including the status for the claims. The amount of information shown will depend on the provider’s role and their consent to view the participant’s information. This report has a date range of up to 5 days.

My participants report  This report shows all participants with a relationship with the provider organisation. This report has a maximum date range period of 31 days. 
Notifications report  This report shows any notifications received about new requests for service, new participant relationships, changes to participant relationships or a participant’s plan. The notifications shown will depend on the provider’s role and their consent to view the participant’s information. This report has a maximum date range period of 30 days. 
Participant’s Budget report  This report shows details of the participant’s funding component amounts. The amount of information shown will depend on the provider’s role and their consent to view the participant’s information. This report has a maximum date range period of 31 days. 

Learn to use the my NDIS provider portal with the provider learning environment

We have built an online learning environment to help providers learn how to use the new my NDIS provider portal.

The learning environment continues to be updated as functionality is added to the my NDIS provider portal. 

There are two ways providers can access the learning environment.

Providers can use their web browser to access the provider learning environment, or the myplace provider portal.

We have built an online provider learning environment to help providers learn how to use the new my NDIS provider portal.

The provider learning environment uses walk-through tutorials and an easy to follow, step-by-step approach to help providers learn the new system and processes.

This will help providers by:

  • support a participant
  • request a new relationship with a participant
  • end their relationship with a participant
  • extend an existing relationship
  • learn how to submit a payment enquiry.

The provider learning environment is available for all types of providers, including allied health and therapy providers, support coordinators (registered and unregistered), plan managers, sole traders, and providers with or without a case management system.

Providers will need to have a PRODA (Provider Digital Access) account to access the new my NDIS provider portal. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a PRODA account.

Please be aware that the provider learning environment is not compatible with all screen readers.

my NDIS provider portal notifications

Providers will receive notifications in the portal notification centre about important information and actions they need to take. 

The notification centre helps providers to have visibility of essential information and actions.

The my NDIS provider portal dashboard has been updated to include new notifications. 
The new notifications are:

  • requests for service
  • end of a relationship role with a participant
  • change to a participant’s total budget amount or plan reassessment date.

My providers, plan managers, support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches will receive notifications dependant on their role and the consent given by their participant. 

The counter icon on the participants tab shows the number of role changes and not the total number of participants in the new computer system. The counter icon on the participants tab includes roles that are: 

  • “New” – the relationship with the participant started within the last 29 days. 
  • “Ending soon” – the relationship with the participant is ending within the next 29 days. 

My providers, plan managers, support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches will receive notifications dependant on their role and the consent given by their participant.  

My providers will be notified when: 

  • They have a new relationship with a participant. 
  • There is a change to the start date or end date of an existing relationship with a participant. 
  • A plan reassessment date is changed. 

My providers with consent to view plans will be notified when the above occurs, as well as when a new plan is approved. 

Providers can see if they have been recorded as a my provider in the support categories of home and living, behaviour supports and/or specialist disability accommodation in the my NDIS provider portal. 

This is displayed under the provider role tab in the portal, under the new support category column. The type of support category is specified.  

If a provider is not recorded at the support category level the new column will display ‘not applicable’. For example, if a provider is recorded as a my provider at the general level, they will see ‘not applicable’ listed in the support category column. Or if a provider is recorded as a plan manager or support coordinator, they will see ‘not applicable’ listed in the support category column. 

If a provider thinks they have been recorded incorrectly for a support category, they should check with their participant. The participant or their nominee can update or change their my providers at any time by talking to their my NDIS contact or by calling the National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110. 

Plan managers, support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches will be notified when:   

  • They have a new relationship with a participant.  
  • The start date or end date of an existing relationship changes.  
  • Their participant has a new plan approved.  
  • Their participant’s plan reassessment date is changed.     
  • Their participant has an existing plan-managed support category budget changed (increased, decreased or removed).    
  • Their participant has a new plan-managed support category added.  
  • A new request for service (support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches only).  

Additionally, support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches with consent to view plans or consent to view plans and total budget amounts, will be notified when a new plan is approved.  

Registered providers

Registered providers with access to the myplace portal will automatically have access to the my NDIS provider portal. They will need to use their PRODA account.  

Unregistered support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches

Support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches who are not registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission will need to create a PRODA (Provider Digital Access) account and register their details with the Agency to gain access to the my NDIS provider portal. 

Providers can refer to the PRODA step-by-step guide on our website to create their PRODA account.

Once they have created a PRODA account, they will need to contact our National Contact Centre to provide information about their business, including their ABN, business name, address and contact details. 

Plan managers

There is a self-service feature to make it easier for plan managers to work with participants. 

Plan managers can submit a request via the my NDIS provider portal to: 

  • support a participant. 
  • end their relationship with a participant. 
  • extend an existing relationship. 

Requests will be sent to the participant’s my NDIS contact. Plan managers will be able to see the status of their request – submitted, accepted as proposed, accepted with adjustments, rejected, or cancelled where the participant has not been able to be contacted – in the my NDIS provider portal. 

Once the request is accepted by the participant, the participant’s details will be displayed in the my NDIS provider portal. 

More information is available on the plan manager page.

Making payment claims

There is no change to how providers make payment claims. Providers should continue to use the myplace provider portal to make all payment claims, even if the participant they are working with has an NDIS plan in our new computer system.

Participants with:

  • NDIA-managed supports
  • specialist disability accommodation, home and living supports and/or behavioural supports
  • a plan manager.

Need to tell us who their providers are, so we can record them as my providers for their plan. Only the plan manager needs to be recorded as a my provider. 

Participants don't need to record providers for their plan managed supports if they don't want to.

My provider claims are generally paid within 2 to 3 business days. 

Claims from providers on an NDIA-managed participant's plan, who aren't recorded as my providers will be validated before they are paid. We'll check with the participant or their nominee by SMS to confirm this NDIS support has been delivered as agreed. 

Once the participant receives an SMS, they can check the claim and accept or dispute the claim in their my NDIS participant portal, or by calling us on 1800 800 110. 

Providers can check if a claim was accepted or disputed by a participant by generating a claims history report in my NDIS provider portal. 

Claims from providers for specialist disability accommodation, home and living supports and behaviour supports who aren't listed as a my provider will automatically be rejected.

my NDIS provider portal collection notice

The collection notice explains how the NDIA will collect, use, and disclose the information you provide.   

By accessing the my NDIS provider portal, you confirm you agree:   

  • to share your personal information with the National Disability Insurance Agency for the purpose of delivering NDIS supports to you   
  • to share your personal information with the Services Australia for the purpose of delivering NDIS supports to you   
  • you have read and understood our Collection Notice.  

my NDIS provider portal Terms and Conditions

This document explains the terms and conditions for using the my NDIS provider portal.   

To use the my NDIS provider portal, you must agree to the terms and conditions set out in this document.  

Read the Terms and Conditions below.