We want to improve the experience of everyone connected to the NDIS and deliver the best possible support to participants, their families and carers. Our new computer system and improved ways of working help us do this. 

Changing systems and processes takes time and can sometimes be challenging.  

Some of the improvements we’ve introduced may mean providers need to learn new ways of doing things or stop doing some of the things they’ve always done.  

It’s the same for our staff and partners. Our new computer system and improvements to how we work mean they are on a learning journey too. 

Our new computer system will continue to improve and develop over time.  

Providers can help us by sharing their experience, and letting us know when they have challenges, or find something that needs to be fixed. We make decisions about how we prioritise system improvements that benefit providers, based on the feedback we receive. Providers are encouraged to stay up to date with our planned system improvements

On this page, we share information about some improvements or fixes we are working on, and what providers can do if they need help. 

Requests for service

Some support coordinators have told us they have not received a request for service, and this is affecting their ability to see the participant’s plan, their funded supports and make payment claims.   

We are working on a way to change our new computer system so it can: 

  • Make the start and end dates of a participant’s relationship with their support coordinator or recovery coach match their plan dates, not the date the request for service was accepted. 
  • Carry over existing provider relationships to new participant plans, to prompt our staff to review these details with the participant and raise a request for service in the plan meeting. 

We are reinforcing the request for service process with our staff, retraining as required, to make sure our staff ask participants about their preferred providers and raise requests for service at the right time. 

We will also implement a process to correct dates that are already in our new computer system. 

Statutory guardians

We have been told there are some issues when a statutory guardian is involved.   

We are working towards the rollout of a dedicated portal for guardian organisations in the middle of the year. This portal will allow guardians to directly share information with NDIA systems, including establishing support coordination relationships. 

Some support coordinators have told us their claims have been rejected because their relationship with a participant is not yet established in our new computer system. 

We have made some adjustments to our new computer system to assist support coordinators delivering supports to participants who have not yet received a request for service. 

From Monday, 12 February 2024, support coordinators with claims previously rejected because a relationship is not yet recorded, can resubmit their claims for processing. 

Support coordinators should follow the usual way to resubmit these claims in the myplace provider portal

To make sure all the right relationships are in place, we are checking back through participant plans in our new computer system with funding for support coordination and recovery coach services, to see if a request for service has been raised or accepted. When a request for service is processed, providers will receive a notification in the new computer system.  

Some support coordinators have told us they are recorded as a my provider but have not received a request for service, which is impacting their ability to see participant information.

Support coordinators who have been recorded as a my provider, but have not yet received a request for service, can use the adjustments we’ve made to our computer system to resubmit any rejected claims from Monday, 12 February 2024. 

Support coordinators expecting a request for service who have an interim requirement to see the details in an NDIS plan, can also let us know by calling our National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110 or emailing [email protected] 

Please include the following details: 

  • Provider name and trading name (if different). 
  • Provider number  
  • Provider ABN. 
  • Participant’s name. 
  • Participant’s NDIS number. 
  • A description of the problem. 

My provider

Some providers who deliver supports to participants who have their specialist disability accommodation, home and living and behaviour support funds managed by the NDIA have told us they are not recorded as a my provider at the support category level.  

From Monday 26 February 2024, providers who deliver specialist disability accommodation, home and living and behaviour supports with claims previously rejected, can resubmit their claims for processing.  

Providers should follow the usual way to resubmit these claims in the myplace provider portal.  

Claims will be paid in 2 – 10 days. 

Providers claiming against NDIA-managed funding who continue to experience claiming issues, can check claim and payment troubleshooting information and steps for more support.   

We are working on a way to use our new provider and participant portals so that: 

  • Providers can request a my provider relationship is established for additional support categories. 
  • Participants can request a my provider relationship is established or approve a provider’s request. 

We have already made adjustment for plan manager relationships to be carried across to our new computer system.  

Plan managers can tell us through the my NDIS provider portal when a new participant they have started to support would like to record them as a plan manager for their plan. The participant’s my NDIS contact will contact the participant to discuss the request, supporting them to accept, reject or modify the plan manager's request. 

We are reinforcing the my provider process with our staff, retraining as required, to make sure our staff ask participants about their preferred providers and record these in our new computer system at the right time. 

To make sure all the right relationships are in place, we are checking back through participant plans in our new computer system, to see if my provider relationships should have been recorded. We will create my provider relationships if appropriate to do so. When a new my provider relationship is established, providers will receive a notification in the new my NDIS provider portal. 

Providers who meet the my provider criteria and have not been recorded as a my provider can let us know calling our National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110 or emailing [email protected] 

Please include the following details: 

  • Provider name and trading name (if different). 
  • Provider number  
  • Provider ABN. 
  • Participant’s name. 
  • Participant’s NDIS number. 
  • Their my provider support category.  

In the meantime, providers expecting to be recorded as a my provider on a participant’s new plan, can assist this process by providing the participant with their trading name, ABN and provider number before their plan meeting or plan implementation meeting.