We might need to include some of your providers in a new part of your NDIS plan.

We call this new part ‘my providers’.

This page explains the my providers part of your plan.

About my providers

Your NDIS plan explains how the NDIS will support you.

Providers support people who take part in the NDIS by delivering a service. 

The my providers part of your plan is a list of providers you work with often.

We use the funding in your plan to pay the providers on this list when they give you a service.

Funding is the money from your plan that pays for the supports you need.

If you have had a plan before, your old plan had service bookings.

Service bookings set funding aside to pay for a certain support.

When we create plans using our new computer system, they will not have service bookings.

When to include my providers

You will need to include a list of providers if the NDIA manages:

  • all of the funding in your plan
  • part of the funding in your plan.

We call this ‘Agency-managed’ funding.

When you have Agency-managed funding in your plan, you can only use registered providers.
Registered providers:

  • are on an official list 
  • have to follow strict rules.

You can find out more about registered providers on our page called What is a provider.

We will ask you to include a list of providers in your plan if you use: 

  • home and living supports
  • behaviour supports.

Behaviour supports are ways to support how a participant acts or behaves.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

If you use specialist disability accommodation (SDA), you need to include your providers in your my provider list.

SDA is housing for participants who need a lot of support.

If you have a plan manager, you also need to include them in your my provider list.

A plan manager is someone who can manage your funding for you.

You do not need to include a provider in your plan if you only use them:

  • for a short time
  • once.

Working with providers who are not in your plan

After providers deliver a service, they make a claim to get paid.

When they make a claim, they ask the NDIS to pay for a support.

If we get a claim from a provider that is not in your plan, we will check with you before we pay them.

This means we will send you or your nominee a text message.

Your nominee is someone you choose to:

  • make decisions for you 
  • do things for you.

The text messages we send you will not:

  • include any personal information
  • ask you to text your personal information.

When you get the text message, you need to call our National Contact Centre within 6 days.

1800 800 110 

When you call us, we will tell you what the claim is for.

During this phone call you need to tell us if:

  • the claim is for a service that you agreed to
  • the claim is for a service that you did not agree to.

We will pay the claim if it is for a service that you agreed to.

If you did not agree to the service, we will:

  • pause the payment
  • look into the claim.

We will talk to:

  • you
  • the provider that made the claim.

We will tell you about our decision in the my NDIS participant portal and app.

You can find out more on our page about my NDIS participant portal and app.

We will not pay a provider that is not in your plan if they make a claim for:

  • SDA
  • behaviour support.

And we will not send you a text message to check.

This is because they can only provide you with these types of support if you include them in your plan.

Working with providers who are in your plan

If we get a claim from a provider you included in your plan, we will pay them. 

We will not send you a message.

If you do not want to get text messages about a provider you work with, you can ask us to include them in your plan.

How to add or change my providers

We can only add or change providers in your plan if you or your nominee tell us to.

You can add or change the providers in your plan:

  • at any time
  • when you have a meeting with us.

You can find out more on our page about Your plan meeting.

You can also tell your my NDIS contact.

Your my NDIS contact is a support person who you have a lot of contact with.

You can also call us.

1800 800 110

You can use the Provider finder page on the NDIS website to find registered providers.