You can have a meeting with us about how to start using your plan.

We call this a plan implementation meeting.

This page explains how a plan implementation meeting can help you.

About your plan implementation meeting

Your NDIS plan explains how the NDIS will support you

We will ask if you want a plan implementation meeting after we approve your plan.

When we approve your plan, we agree to everything in it.

You can choose if you want to have this meeting.

But it is a good idea to get some support right at the start.

When you get help to know how to use your plan, you can get the most out of your supports.

This will help you work towards your goals.

You can choose not to have a plan implementation meeting. You can start using your plan on your own if you want to.

You can also have a plan implementation meeting if you are already a participant.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

You might have a plan implementation meeting when:

  • you get a new plan
  • your plan changes

You can find out more on our page about Changing your plan.

You can also ask for a plan implementation meeting if you need more support.

Who will be at your meeting

Your plan implementation meeting will be with your my NDIS contact.

Your my NDIS contact is a support person who you have a lot of contact with.

They might be a local area coordinator.

A local area coordinator is someone who helps people with disability find and use supports and services.

Your NDIS contact might be an early childhood partner.

An early childhood partner is someone who supports children with disability and their families.

Your plan implementation meeting can be:

  • face-to-face 
  • by phone
  • online, using Microsoft Teams

You can bring a support person to this meeting if you want to, like a friend or family member.

What you can learn at your meeting

At your meeting you will learn about how you can:

  • use your plan
  • get the most out of it.

The meeting is a chance for you to ask your my NDIS contact questions.

You can also ask us for support to:

find and use information on the NDIS website 

find and use other services in your area 

find providers.

Providers support people with disability by delivering a service.

Your my NDIS contact can also explain service agreements.

A service agreement is a plan for how you and your provider will work together.

It explains:

what supports you will use

how your provider will give you those supports.

You can also ask for support to use the my NDIS participant portal and app.

You can find out more on our page about the my NDIS participant portal and app.

We will record the meeting in our new computer system. You can ask us to send you a copy.