Key points
  • Learn about upcoming improvements to our new computer system and the my NDIS provider portal.
  • The improvements we're making are based on feedback we've had from providers.


Why we're making these improvements

We are making improvements to our new computer system and the my NDIS provider portal, to improve how providers and the NDIA work together to support participants.

We tested our new computer system with providers, who shared suggestions to improve their experience using the system. Our new computer system will continue to improve and develop over time. 

Changing systems and processes takes time and can sometimes be challenging.  

Some of the improvements we’ve introduced may mean providers need to learn new ways of doing things or stop doing some of the things they’ve always done. 

Providers can help us by sharing their experience, and letting us know when they have challenges, or find something that needs to be fixed. We make decisions about how we prioritise system improvements that benefit providers, based on the feedback we receive. 

System improvements for providers

See system improvements coming soon and system improvements already delivered.

We often update the information on this page. Providers are encouraged to check back regularly to make sure they have the most up-to-date information. 

Improvements coming soon

Improvements to how providers prove their identity 

From mid-2025 we are changing how providers prove their identity.

Currently, providers and their nominated staff use PRODA to prove who they are when they connect with the NDIA. We will change to using myID with Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).

myID (formerly myGovID) is the Australian Government’s Digital ID app. It is a simple and secure way for you to prove who you are online.   

RAM is an authorisation service that can link to myID. RAM and myID together help reduce the risk of identity fraud in the NDIS. 

We’re making changes to the way claims requiring a manual review are managed. Providers may receive correspondence requesting more information to support the claims review process. Once completed, providers will receive correspondence to let them know the outcome of the claim review. 

Total funding amounts, funding components amounts and funding periods 

In accordance with Section 33 legislation changes, total funding amounts, funding component amounts and funding periods will be displayed in the my NDIS provider portal in line with the current visibility settings for providers. Learn more about the legislation changes. 

System improvements delivered

December 2024

Participants are now able to claim from a past plan through the NDIS app, provided they have self-managed funds within their current plan.   

There is no change to the rules and checks for claims. 

In some instances, when an app user has lodged a claim against their previous plan, if the claim is rejected, the claim ID may show as “0”.  

If this happens, participants can see the claim ID in the claims history page in the app.   
Alternatively, they can go to the myplace portal to see more information about the claim. 


We have made changes to the provider table in the my NDIS provider portal.   

The Request History tab accessed by Support Coordinators and Recovery Coaches will be amended with changes to functions including search, filter, and sorting. Disability information for each participant can still be found on the Participant Context page in the portal.  

See the my NDIS provider portal step-by-step guide for more information.  

We’ve improved our system so that when a plan is auto-extended, the value will be adjusted in line with indexation.

This makes sure supports continue and that participant funding levels correctly reflect inflation.  

Plan auto-extensions were introduced in November 2024. Participants will be notified when their plan has been auto-extended.  

Providers will continue to receive notifications in the my NDIS provider portal when a participant’s plan dates, or budget has changed. Notifications will be in line with the provider role and participant consent.  

When indexation is applied to a participant’s plan, the total budget is adjusted based on the NDIA Annual Pricing Review, where the Agency adjusts the value of some types of budgets.    

As we continue to move more participants to our new computer system, more NDIS plans will be indexed.   

November 2024

We have made changes to the ‘my participant’ tab and ‘enquiries’ tab in the my NDIS provider portal to increase the information a provider can see, if consent has been provided.  

In the ‘My participant’ tab, we have changed the name of the ‘Participant list’ table. It is now called ‘Participant relationships’, and a new column called ‘Role’ has been added.  

The new ‘Role’ column displays a provider’s role to a participant without having to click into an individual record. Providers will have the ability to filter the participant relationships table based on role. Providers can also use the search field to find a participant using the participant’s NDIS number.  

There is also a new default sorting applied to the participant relationships table.  

This sorting is based on the ‘Role end date’ column, with the ‘Status’ column displaying roles that have their status as ‘Ending soon’ at the top of the list. All other relationships will display in the list based on their role end date.  

When a participant plan is not reassessed before its end date, we will automatically extend the plan. Participants will have their plans auto-extend plans in our new computer system for those who are at risk of their plan expiring.  

Participants will be notified if their plan has been auto extended. Auto extended plans will be a continuation of the current plan, with the same funding amounts in core and capacity building budgets and the same timeframe as the previous plan, or up to 12 months. 

Participants will be notified if their plan has been auto extended.  

In the my NDIS app, participants and their authorised representatives can now verify claims from providers, like they can on the my NDIS portal.  

We’ve introduced new functionality to better support the monitoring and utilisation of participant budgets. Participants who are over-utilising their funding may experience more frequent check ins to assist in understanding their plan and managing their supports. These check ins aim to offer guidance and resources to help participants manage their funding.  

Providers, with consent from participants, may be involved in the participant check-in process.  

September 2024

Providers will be able to request, through the my NDIS provider portal, that a participant would like to record them as a my provider.  

Where required, we will contact the participant to discuss the my provider relationship request, and will support them to accept, reject or modify the provider's request.  

Participants, nominees and child representatives will be able to use the my NDIS participant portal to accept, modify or reject a my provider relationship request. Participants can also add, edit or end my provider relationships in the my NDIS participant portal as part of the claim verification process.   

In addition, participants will be able to edit the information they share with all providers within the my NDIS participant portal.  

Providers will receive notifications in the my NDIS provider portal when a my provider relationship has been accepted or modified by a participant.  

Participants, nominees and child representatives can use the my NDIS participant portal to update their consent to share information with existing my providers.  

Providers will receive notifications in the my NDIS provider portal when a my provider relationship has been changed.  

The information and notifications providers receive from the my NDIS provider portal is based on their role and the consent provided by the participant. 

Support coordinators and recovery coaches will no longer need to submit identification when applying for consent. We will use the information provided through PRODA to complete their identify verification. 

August 2024

We are updating the APIs to allow support coordinators and plan managers to access historical participant information, through their digital partners. The new APIs include:   

  • View historical goals.    
  • View historical budgets.    
  • View historical plans.   

July 2024

We've made several updates to the my NDIS provider portal to improve the user experience, based on feedback received from providers. This includes:

  • General enhancements to the Specialist Disability Accommodation landing pages in the my NDIS provider portal.   
  • Adding a new ‘other claim and payment enquiry’ option when lodging a claim and payment enquiry.     
  • Improved handling of character limits for claim and payment enquiries.

When some participants receive a new NDIS plan, they may notice it has a clearer layout, making it easier to find the most important information.  

Participants don’t need to do anything different.     

Their new look plan still has all the key information. It just looks different.    

Find more information about the new look plan.

May 2024

We updated the functionality in the my NDIS provider portal to support the transition to one portal for providers. All payment enquiries should now be submitted in the my NDIS provider portal. 

More information and improved help guides have been built into the payment enquiries process in the my NDIS provider portal to support providers to complete the process in one portal.  

All claims should still be submitted in the myplace provider portal.

We have made adjustments to our new computer system to make sure participant addresses are recorded correctly and the agreed regional, remote and very remote maximum price limits are correctly applied to NDIS plans. 

Providers with existing active service bookings, who deliver home and living, behaviour supports, and specialist disability accommodation, are now automatically recorded as my providers at the category level when their next participant's plan is approved in our new computer system. 

Providers will receive a notification in the my NDIS provider portal when they are recorded as a my provider in our new computer system.  

We've made several updates to the my NDIS provider portal to improve the user experience. These updates are based on feedback we have received from providers and include:

  • Displaying the my provider support category relationships for home and living, behaviour support and specialist disability accommodation providers. 
  • Updating the error messages, search functionality and hyperlinks to improve the overall provider experience.

April 2024

We have introduced a system enhancement which means the physical address recorded against a support coordinator’s NDIS business account will no longer be visible in a requests for service raised in the my NDIS provider portal.

Support coordinators will still be able to see the address details recorded against their account in the my NDIS provider portal.

Once a request for service has been accepted, support coordinators and participants can use the email addresses and phone numbers that will be visible in the portal to work together.

March 2024

Participants and their nominee can check provider claims using the my NDIS participant portal.

This makes it easier for participants to see what claims have been submitted, identify any supports they haven’t received, and accept the remaining claims. 

The NDIA will still send participants an SMS when claims are made on their NDIA-managed supports by providers not recorded as my providers for their plan. 

They then have 6 days to check the claims before they are paid automatically.  

After viewing the claim details, participants can either dispute or accept claims. 

The NDIA will investigate any disputed claims. Accepted claims will progress to be paid. 

Participants can still check claims by contacting the National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110. 

Notifications providers receive through the my NDIS provider portal are available to Digital Partners, based on their roles via the NDIA Application Programming Interface (API) subscription service. Notifications include: 

  • PACE budget update. 

  • Plan approval update. 

  • Request for service. 

  • Participant relationship commenced. 

  • Participant relationship ending. 

Providers can find more information about APIs here Connecting with NDIA systems.

We have made several updates to the my NDIS provider portal to improve the experience for providers. These updates are based on feedback we have received from providers. We have:

  • Consolidated the two “my participants” lists into a single list. 

  • Updated error messages to improve the punctuation, language and formatting and improved the messaging on the notifications error page.

  • Improved the filtering options for the downloadable reports list and plan manager self service requests list.

  • Improved the performance of pages containing large amounts of data within the my NDIS provider portal.

  • Improved the formatting consistency and accessibility of the ‘Relationship request tab’ for plan managers, and the ‘SDA dwelling enrolment questionnaire’ for SDA providers.

We have improved the SDA Enrolment Form on the my NDIS provider portal  to record when GST credits were claimed for the construction, refurbishment, or purchase price of a dwelling. 

SDA providers will be asked to answer two additional questions related to GST in the SDA Enrolment Form when enrolling a new dwelling. 

This update allows the maximum SDA price to be accurately calculated, ensuring it is consistent with recent changes to SDA pricing. It also means that all of the information will now be captured and stored in the my NDIS provider portal. 

December 2023

With participant consent, providers can download reports with the following information:

  • Details of claims and payments, including the status of claims awaiting verification. 
  • Participant and provider relationship details. 
  • Details of notifications. 
  • Participant budget information when there is a recorded my provider relationship.

When a participant has an NDIS plan developed in our new computer system, plan managers, support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches with participant consent to see: 

  • Historical participant goals. 
  • Historical plan budgets.

If a provider submits a claim and it is below the price guide limits, they will receive an error message explaining this.  

If a provider submits a claim above the price guide limits, they receive a different error message explaining this.  

Previously, providers would only receive one error message for this type of claim. 

October 2023

New notifications from the my NDIS provider portal will let providers know when they have a task to complete, or participant budget information has been updated.

Depending on the types of service and consent in place, providers will be notified when:

  • They have a new relationship with a participant (my provider)
  • The end date of a relationship changes
  • There is a new request for service
  • A new plan is approved, including a change to the reassessment date
  • A budget is changed
  • A new support category budget is added
  • An existing support category budget is changed (increased, decreased or removed).

Previously, plan managers had 30 days to submit claims for supports delivered after their plan manager period had ended.

Plan managers can now only submit claims for supports delivered within their current plan-management period.

Plan managers need to make sure they submit any claims before their plan management period on a participant’s plan ends.  

Previously, specialist disability accommodation and behaviour supports could only be Agency-managed.

Participants with a plan developed in our new computer system can now choose to have self-managed or plan-managed specialist disability accommodation and behaviour supports in their plan.

Self-managed or plan-managed specialist disability accommodation and behaviour supports must be delivered by providers who are registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Please make sure to provide your ABN to participants you support with these services as they, or their plan manager, must include your ABN when submitting a claim for self-managed or plan-managed specialist disability accommodation or behaviour supports.

If you are not a registered provider for these services and a participant submits a claim, the claim will be automatically rejected.

General providers, support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches recorded as my providers will automatically be able to see a participant’s: 

  • contact details.
  • nominee’s contact details if they have one. 

Plan managers recorded as my providers will be able to see if a participant has any self and Agency-managed supports.

Currently, plan managers can't see how much funding is available in the participant's plan for plan manager fees.

We will change the settings in the new my NDIS provider portal so plan managers can see how much funding is available in the participant's plan for their fees.

January 2023

A small number of integration issues were affecting payments to some providers, requiring manual interventions and delays in payments. 

Improvements were made to back-of-house systems and payments remitted.

Ongoing participant and plan manager in new plans were not recorded correctly, resulting in delays to services starting and payments being made. 

This was fixed with a system carry over of ongoing ‘my provider’ relationships (formerly referred to as participant-endorsed providers).

Participants often need time (and support) to consider which providers best meet their needs.

Handover and follow up notes for NDIS partners were improved to make sure participants had time and choice and control to select their plan manager and record them as a my provider (formerly referred to as participant-endorsed providers).

September 2023

Claims on Agency-managed home and living supports will only be paid to providers authorised by the participant. 

Providers with regular and ongoing working relationships with Agency-managed participants are encouraged to talk to them about becoming a my provider for their plan.

Plan managers can request, through the my NDIS provider portal, that a participant would like to record them as a plan manager on their plan. 

The participant’s my NDIS contact will contact the participant to discuss the request, and will support the participant to accept, reject or modify the plan manager's request.

August 2023

The provider learning environment is available via the myplace portal. The learning environment has walk-through tutorials to help providers learn the new system and processes.

November 2022

We built an NDIS developer portal with a list of APIs for providers. 

Developers can use this code to connect internal business systems to our new computer system